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Basic Question 9 of 15

To determine the funded status of a pension plan, the reader of a financial statement should refer to the ______.

A. footnote disclosures
B. balance sheet
C. income statement

User Contributed Comments 4

User Comment
yly14 prepaid pension expenses are show on the bs, able to determine the funded status of the plan.
quanttrader funded status in balance sheet -- specifics found in footnote.
farhan92 pensions are a liability so on b/s?
davidt876 farhan, the pension could overfunded (assets of plan > PBO) and recorded as an asset, or the pension could be underfunded (assets of plan < PBO) and recorded as a liability
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Learning Outcome Statements

explain the financial reporting of defined contribution, defined benefit, and stock-based compensation plans

CFA® 2025 Level I Curriculum, Volume 2, Module 8.