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Basic Question 6 of 11

Consider a stock call option with the following characteristics:

Type of option: call option on stock
Underlying asset: 100 shares of Coca Cola stock
Exercise price: $60 per share
Premium: $1.25 per share
Expiration date: November

The current market price of Coca Cola stock is $54.94 per share. The call option ______.

A. is "in the money" with an intrinsic value of $5.06
B. is "in the money" with an intrinsic value of zero
C. is "out of the money" with an intrinsic value of zero

User Contributed Comments 5

User Comment
vrs3 What's that 0 before St-X...
kclau MAX(0,St-X)means greater of 0 or St-X, as such when St<X, the option will not be exercised => intrinsic value will be zero.
Done Am I mistaken but I thought out-of-the-money call options don't have an intrinsic value because they are out-of-the-money?

Why do a calculation?
adidas Even if an option is out-of-money it still has value (time value): it may become in-the-money later. Check the market and you will find out that most options are out-of-money but they are not free. Calculation is needed.
Rotigga "The intrinsic value of a call option on its Expiration Day is
CT = MAX (0, ST - X)"
There is no time value in this formula!
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You have a wonderful website and definitely should take some credit for your members' outstanding grades.
Colin Sampaleanu

Colin Sampaleanu

Learning Outcome Statements

explain the exercise value, moneyness, and time value of an option

CFA® 2025 Level I Curriculum, Volume 5, Module 8.