- CFA Exams
- 2025 Level I
- Topic 4. Financial Statement Analysis
- Learning Module 12. Introduction to Financial Statement Modeling
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Learning Outcome Statements PDF Download
1. Building a Financial Statement Model demonstrate the development of a sales-based pro forma company model | |
2. Behavioral Finance and Analyst Forecasts explain how behavioral factors affect analyst forecasts and recommend remedial actions for analyst biases | |
3. The Impact of Competitive Factors in Prices and Costs explain how the competitive position of a company based on a Porter's five forces analysis affects prices and costs | |
4. Modeling Inflation and Deflation explain how to forecast industry and company sales and costs when they are subject to price inflation or deflation | |
5. The Forecast Horizon and Long-Term Forecasting explain considerations in the choice of an explicit forecast horizon and an analyst's choices in developing projections beyond the short-term forecast horizon |
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