- CFA Exams
- 2025 Level I
- Topic 2. Economics
- Learning Module 5. Introduction to Geopolitics
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Learning Outcome Statements PDF Download
1. National Governments and Political Cooperation describe geopolitics from a cooperation versus competition perspective | |
2. Forces of Globalization
describe geopolitics and its relationship with globalization | |
3. International Trade Organizations describe functions and objectives of the international organizations that facilitate trade, including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Trade Organization | |
4. Assessing Geopolitical Actors and Risk describe geopolitical risk | |
5. The Tools of Geopolitics describe tools of geopolitics and their impact on regions and economies | |
6. Incorporating Geopolitical Risk into the Investment Process describe the impact of geopolitical risk on investments |
I just wanted to share the good news that I passed CFA Level I!!! Thank you for your help - I think the online question bank helped cut the clutter and made a positive difference.
Edward Liu
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