- CFA Exams
- 2025 Level I
- Topic 6. Fixed Income
- Learning Module 5. Fixed-Income Markets for Government Issuers
- Subject 1. Sovereign Bonds
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Subject 1. Sovereign Bonds PDF Download
Sovereign bonds are issued by a country's central government for fiscal reasons. Developed market sovereign issues are characterized by a strong, stable, well-diversified domestic economy, and emerging market sovereign issuers are usually characterized by higher growth but less stable and less well-diversified economies subject to greater fluctuations over the economic cycle.
Sovereign bonds take different names and forms, depending on where they are issued, their maturities, and their coupon types. For example, U.S. government bonds with an original maturity shorter than one year are known as T-bills. The most recently issued U.S. Treasury bond of a particular maturity is known as a on-the-run issue.
Sovereign bonds are usually unsecured and are backed by the taxing authority of a national government. Credit rating agencies perform sovereign risk analysis in both local currency and foreign currency. The risk level of local and foreign currency is different. Generally, if an issuer is planning to default, it is more likely to do so with a foreign currency issue, as it has less control over foreign currency with respect to its exchange rate.
Sovereign bonds can be domestic bonds, foreign bonds, and Eurobonds. They can be fixed-rate, floating-rate or inflation-linked bonds. For example, Treasury Inflation Protection Securities (TIPS) are T-notes or T-bonds that are adjusted for inflation.
User Contributed Comments 6
User | Comment |
johntan1979 | Not so default-free now, is it? |
cmacewen | The statement about non-sovereign bonds trading at lower yields is incorrect. A non-sovereign bond will trade at a lower price and higher yield than to that of a comparable sovereign bond. |
ascruggs92 | cmacewen, the statement about non-sovereign bonds OFTEN trading at lower yields is correct. The most common non-sovereign bonds (if not the only) in the United States are municipal bonds. Interest Income from Munis are exempt from federal income taxes and, if the bondholder lives in the state of issuance, exempt from state income taxes. This tax advantage allows Local governments to issue bonds at a lower stated interest rate, and the yields typically stay lower for that reason. Think about it, if two bonds had the same YTM but the interest for bond #1 was tax exempt, nobody would buy bond #2 until the yield went up enough to offset the difference in taxes |
chcarnes | thank you ascruggs |
maryprz14 | notes; "non-sovereign bonds often trade at a higher yield than their sovereign counterparts. " Then why you guys are saying lower yield? |
gc1210 | I second maryprz14's point, is it just a typo or are we missing something here? |
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