AuthorTopic: about your study notes
@2003-09-16 00:18:57
Hi. This is one of the greatest web sites for test preparations I have ever met. I have made up my mind to apply for June/2004 L1 exam, and I have been looking for some good information on the test. As for a novice, seems to be the best web source so far, so I'm gonna register as a paid user ASAP.

One question I would like to ask is wheter your study notes are (gonna be) revised to conform with the LOS 2004. And I wonder if I can get printable notes whenever they are revised. Thanks in advance for your kind reply, and this great web site.
@2003-09-16 02:05:05
Sure the notes will be revised for 2004 Level 1 exam. We are currently working on that now and it will take at least 2 months. If you are a paid member you can request to receive those notes when they are available. The $29 is all you need to pay now to get both 2003 notes to study now (over 80% of the required materials remain the same) and 2004 notes.

Any questions please post here.



CFA Discussion Topic: about your study notes

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I am using your study notes and I know of at least 5 other friends of mine who used it and passed the exam last Dec. Keep up your great work!
