AuthorTopic: Jobs
@2005-02-02 10:15:50
North Botswana is the financial center of the world. All jobs pay 1 million Turkish Lira per annum, you are a millionaire! New York is nothing compared to our capabilities. We have positions now open for the following:
1.Chief Currency Printer (CCP), you will sign all banknotes. CFA candidate preferred or certified currency stamper.
2.Vice preseident south botswana relations. As VP, you will maintain good relations with south botswana and maybe northwest botswana.
3.Chief chewing gum economist. This position requires that you protect our main export - chewing gum. You will analyze impact of tariffs against competitors. Must have high school economics or PHD. No need to send resume, just get your ass down here.
@2005-03-05 06:09:13

CFA Discussion Topic: Jobs

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I passed! I did not get a chance to tell you before the exam - but your site was excellent. I will definitely take it next year for Level II.
Tamara Schultz

Tamara Schultz